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Litvinenko Empty Revealed: Poisoned ex-Russian spy Litvinenko WAS a paid-up M

Message par Nicolas Dim 28 Oct 2007 - 9:40

The former Russian spy poisoned in a London hotel was an MI6 agent, the Daily Mail can reveal.

Alexander Litvinenko was receiving a retainer of around £2,000 a month from the British security services at the time he was murdered.

The disclosure, by diplomatic and intelligence sources, is the latest twist in the Litvinenko affair, which has plunged relations between London and Moscow to their lowest point since the Cold War. salut

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Mac Carthy Dim 28 Oct 2007 - 13:01

So what ?
Mac Carthy
Mac Carthy
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Date d'inscription : 18/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Rantanplan Dim 28 Oct 2007 - 18:39

Les services britanniques feraient-ils leur travail, contre l'ennemi commun ?
Attendons le démenti.

Nombre de messages : 1307
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Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Lun 29 Oct 2007 - 12:06

Ceux qui revent encore de transformer la Russie en un vaste reservoir de matieres premieres (cf. Madeleine Albright a propos de l'egoisme russe en Siberie) en sont pour leurs frais. Le camarade Poutine a reussi a dejouer ttes les manoeuvres de destabilisation centrale ou peripherique menees en sous-main par les services secrets anglo-saxons. Toutes les republiques d'Asie centrale ont desormais reintegre le giron de la CEI, rebaptise organisation de Shanghai, organisation de la Caspienne ou de la Mer Noire (c'est quand meme plus sexy qu'orange, violet ou ecarlate) et les pays occidentaux sont a la merci d'un chantage energetique de la Russie. Les administrations Bush et Blair auront foire sur toute la ligne dans cette region du monde (et ce n'est pas la seule!). applaud

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par hidember Lun 29 Oct 2007 - 13:42

On se demande pourquoi certains se réjouissent des victoires communistes et de l'asservissement des peuples par les tenants de l'impérialisme russo-communiste.
C'est à peu près aussi inepte de se réjouir ds voitures brûlés dans les banlieus sous prétexte que ce n'est la sienne.

D'autant que la victoire de l'impérialisme russo-communiste n'est m^me pas certain: ce n'est pas parce que c'est annoncé par les rouges-bruns que c'est vrai.

Enfin on se console comme on peut de ses échecs électoraux!

Nombre de messages : 1201
Réputation : 20
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par hidember Lun 29 Oct 2007 - 13:50

Dans le même ordre d'idée on subit un bourage musical des moskals depuis quelques temps : cela fait la nième fois que l'on nous repasse "1812" de Tchaïkovski. J'aime bien Tchaïkovski, mais faudrait voir à varier les morceaux.

C'est parce que la technique ne se souvient plus de ce qu'elle a passé ou bien parce que le vicomte a décidé de crétiniser son public avec la camelote à Putin (pendant que le minus gallicum se perd en Eurasie, il oublie les municipales à Versailles)?

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Date d'inscription : 23/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Invité Lun 29 Oct 2007 - 14:04

Je dirais que c'est plus bassement parce qu'ils tournent de plus en plus avec les quelques disques qu'ils ont obtenu l'autorisation de passer sans droits après leur avoir consacré une émission musicale publicitaire (émissions qui sont en l'état actuel de notre chère radio loin d'être les plus mauvaises d'ailleurs).

On limite les frais comme on peut chez SAV.

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Rantanplan Mar 30 Oct 2007 - 0:09

On se perd en conjectures sur les motifs des Franchouillards qui se pâment devant des assassins dont les menteries sont transparentes, et qui ne songent qu'à nous rançonner et à nous faire chanter.

Nombre de messages : 1307
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Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Victor le chacal Mar 30 Oct 2007 - 0:15

Alors, là, cela devait tomber. Laughing
Victor le chacal
Victor le chacal
particulièrement hargneux

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Réputation : 83
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 9:54

Decidement un bien curieux personnage ce Litvinenko Twisted Evil :

In Britain, Litvinenko begun an active propaganda campaign against the Russian leadership and the FSB. He accused Russia’s secret services of organizing the explosions in apartment houses in Moscow in the autumn 1999, and in ties with the Al-Qaeda, and also in the wide-range criminal activity, such as participation in the international Afghan drug traffic.
In 2001 the first book by Litvinenko (in the co-authorship) was published in the United States, under the title Blowing up Russia: Terror from Within. It was underlined in the foreword: «It is an attempt to show in our book that the basic problems of modern Russia are caused by sabotage, led and implemented by the Russian secret services, not the radical reforms». French cinematographers made a documentary, Attempt at Russia, after this book. In 2002, the second book by Litvinenko, Lubyanka’s Criminal Grouping, was published in the US. It was emphasized in its foreword that «if this book would reach the Russian reader today, it may change a course of events in the country».

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par hidember Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 10:58

On ne voit pas très bien camarade ce qu'il ya de bizarre là-dedans.

Aller encore un effort le désinformateur rouge-brun, explique nous comment il a fait pour s'empoisonner lui-même au polonium, ce maladroit de Litvinenko.
Et puis tu pourras aussi nous raconter comment Trotski s'est lui-même blessé avec son piolet en préparant sa prochaine excursion dans les Andes, ou comment les officiers polonais se sont eux-mêmes tirés une balle dans la nuque dans la forêt de Katyn en nettoyant leur arme (le monde est vraiment plein de maladroits)

Et n'oublie pas le clou : l'histoire de l'avion qui n'existait pas du 11.9 (Ferré avait dû se facher quand ton camarade chiottes crevées avait commencé a traiter le sujet à l'antenne)

Allez, encore un effort camarade, que l'on rigole un peu (on s'em., le Quiqin baisse ces temps-ci, il est moins drôle)

Nombre de messages : 1201
Réputation : 20
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Victor le chacal Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 13:47

Bon esprit, ce fil ironic
Victor le chacal
Victor le chacal
particulièrement hargneux

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Réputation : 83
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par hidember Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 17:07

Et en plus ça ne sait pas désinformer : j'ai été voir le lien, ce n'est même pas de la propagande néo-soviétique

La prochaine fois, renvois-nous sur le site du Réseau Voltaire, au moins.

Nombre de messages : 1201
Réputation : 20
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Victor le chacal Mer 31 Oct 2007 - 17:39

hidember a écrit:La prochaine fois, renvois-nous sur le site du Réseau Voltaire, au moins.
J'ai peur qu'ils n'aient pas grand chose en anglais sur ce site clown
Victor le chacal
Victor le chacal
particulièrement hargneux

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Réputation : 83
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 11:08

Avec cette arme Litvinenko aurait pu s'en sortir Shocked :

Army tests James Bond style tank that is 'invisible':

New technology that can make tanks invisible has been unveiled by the Ministry of Defence.

In secret trials last week, the Army said it had made a vehicle completely disappear and predicted that an invisible tank would be ready for service by 2012.

The new technology uses cameras and projectors to beam images of the surrounding landscape onto a tank.

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 11:12

Peut-on faire encore confiance a ses amis de toujours??! main :

Saudi Arabia and Russia have finalized an agreement to supply more than 150 Russian-made Mi-35 Hind and Mi-17 Hip helicopters to Saudi Arabia. The deal, expected to be worth over $2.2 billion. Riyad favored the Russian offer over French proposals to supply 148 helicopters to the kingdom - reports the French based Defense Aerospace publication. According to the magazine, the deal signed last month in Riyad, reflects the shift of power from Saudi Arabia’s decision to retain Russia as a major arms supplier is the result of recent policy decisions made by King Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, particularly his decision to take direct control of major arms purchases, which were previously largely the domain of the defense and aviation ministry headed by Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz, the Saudi Crown Prince and deputy prime minister who is also Abdallah’s half-brother. (read the full article at Defense Aerospace)

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 11:28

C'est pourtant pas dur a trouver... Very Happy

Tony you don't have to do this!:

Ms Rice told the book's authors: "I remember standing in the Oval Office, and the President said, 'We can't have the British Government fall because of this decision over war.' I said: 'So what are you saying?' He said, 'I have to tell Tony that he doesn't have to do this.'"

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 11:31

Quand je suis parti je ne peux plus m'arreter! Very Happy

France Loses Out as Saudis Sign $2.2 Billion Deal for Russian Helos

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 11:46

Encore un scoop: Les Etats-Unis renonceraient au deploiement de leur nouvelle arme miracle anti-missiles en Europe de l'Est, contre la neutralite de la Russie en cas d'attaque US contre l'Iran:

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 12:39

Encore un scoop: le salaire annuel de Poutine gagne en un an (50 Keuros de salaire annuel), ce que Sarko gagne en deux mois et demi. Pourtant la Russie occupe presque le dernier rang des etats les plus corrompus au monde. Cherchez la faille!

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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Victor le chacal Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 15:16

Nicolas a écrit:Quand je suis parti je ne peux plus m'arreter! Very Happy
Faites, mon cher. Ici, vous êtes chez vous.
Victor le chacal
Victor le chacal
particulièrement hargneux

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Réputation : 83
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par hidember Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 15:23

Nicolas a écrit:Encore un scoop: le salaire annuel de Poutine gagne en un an (50 Keuros de salaire annuel), ce que Sarko gagne en deux mois et demi. Pourtant la Russie occupe presque le dernier rang des etats les plus corrompus au monde. Cherchez la faille!

Il n'y a pas que le salaire, mon cher.
Il y a aussi les primes, les avantages en nature et les avantages annexes.

Demandez donc à votre ami l'administrateur civil à Bercy de vous expliquer:content

Nombre de messages : 1201
Réputation : 20
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Victor le chacal Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 15:33

Nicolas a écrit:Encore un scoop: le salaire annuel de Poutine gagne en un an (50 Keuros de salaire annuel), ce que Sarko gagne en deux mois et demi. Pourtant la Russie occupe presque le dernier rang des etats les plus corrompus au monde. Cherchez la faille!
Si vous croyez que le camarade Poutine gagne 50 000 euros par an, c'est qu'il faut aller vous louer un cerveau chez kiloutou, le batracien Wink
Je pense qu'il y a des choses que vous ne savez pas.

Et ce fil était réservé à Litvinenko, quel rapport avec le reste?
Victor le chacal
Victor le chacal
particulièrement hargneux

Nombre de messages : 7701
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Réputation : 83
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Rantanplan Jeu 1 Nov 2007 - 19:16

Des textes en anglais, j'en reçois cent par jour.

Sur les Félons Arriérés de Riyad, en voici un :
Saudi reigns
Stephen Schwartz and Irfan Al-Alawi, The Spectator [London], 31 October 2007

The kingdom rides the rest of the world like a horse

The state visit of the King of Saudi Arabia to Britain came at a time of growing internal and external crisis for the desert kingdom, and was surely intended to bolster international confidence in the Riyadh regime. All the indications are that King Abdullah really does want to extricate his country from its benighted state. Yet political modernisation has been so slow as to be almost invisible. King Abdullah may be an absolute monarch, but there are limits to what he can do — and he is badly isolated within the kingdom.

The work facing the reformers was neatly summed up in a cartoon in the Saudi daily Al Watan (the Nation) on 7 October. It showed a garage — 'Reforms and Repairs' — in which a broken-down, leaking car was labelled 'judiciary system', and an upside-down vehicle was marked 'schools'. A week before, the same paper carried the dismaying news that an extremist Saudi website had posted 18 flight-simulation videos for training on Boeing 747s. The message is obvious: the spirit of 9/11 lives on in the kingdom.

Against such a background, vague claims by King Abdullah that Saudi authorities have arrested terrorist financiers count for little. As for the king's allegation that UK authorities ignored Saudi warnings about the 7 July 2005 London Tube bombings, however, one wishes it were just bluff, but it is possible to believe the king. The Blair government was clearly hesitant to act preventatively against the rise of extremism among the Muslim communities.

For several years now the Saudis have quite rightly protested to the UK over the granting of sanctuary to Saad al-Faqih, who heads the so-called Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA). Al-Faqih is considered by Saudi reformers to be an advocate of a regime that would be more radical in its Wahhabism than the present one. Al-Faqih still lives in London and operates his satellite broadcasts — even though MIRA's website was briefly shut down after 7/7. It resumed operation but without its discussion board, which acted as an al-Qa'eda communications asset for years.

The government's weasel approach was again at work this week, in its 'outreach to the radicals' guise, when Muhammad Abdul Bari, chairman of the East London Mosque and secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), appeared as a guest at the Queen's banquet for King Abdullah. Mr Bari supped with the sovereign just as a document was released by Policy Exchange, 'The Hijacking of British Islam', giving details of the dissemination of ultra-radical literature, inspired in Saudi Arabia, at his mosque.

But the main consideration in dealing with King Abdullah must be that Saudi Arabia remains appallingly different from other countries, including most other Muslim lands. Saudi political reformers — of whom there are far more than the West realises — refer to the countries from Kuwait to Yemen as 'the crescent of normality', because none of them features the bizarre abuses daily seen in the kingdom, and none so avidly promotes extremist Islam. All permit non-Muslims to practise their religions openly — Bahrain has a synagogue, and Oman has Hindu temples as well as Christian churches. All allow women to drive cars, go to university and dress as they wish.

In the Saudi media you find examples of a pseudo-religious ideology gone beyond madness. In September a Saudi man divorced his wife because she allegedly violated morality by watching men on television to whom she was (obviously) not married or related. The court vacated the charge but granted the divorce. In another sinister twist — one reminiscent of the propaganda emanating from Red China and Soviet Russia — the daily newspaper Al Hayat (Life) reported that a Saudi convict had written a book in Arabic and English praising his positive experience in Saudi jails, and claiming that the Wahhabi state protects human rights.
This sort of thing is going on while popular outrage increases over murders and other crimes by the so-called religious police, or mutawiyin. The mutawiyin continue to operate with impunity, thumping women in public with their long sticks if the victims let a centimetre of flesh show between the all-covering abaya and their shoes, raiding homes and beating (even to death) Saudis suspected of possessing alcohol, and fatally assaulting suspected unmarried or unrelated couples.

Sometimes the absurdity is so outrageous that it is comical. Not long ago Saudi newspapers were heatedly debating whether camel 'beauty contests' should be discouraged, since they seemed to be an expression of primitive tribalism. When US diplomats attended such a contest there was an uproar because 'unbelievers' had gained access to the event.
But this week, as King Abdullah was honoured with parades and gun salutes in London, the radical website al Sahat (the Battlefields) carried a post arguing that camel beauty contests could be the basis for the creation of political parties, which presently are banned. Given this sort of stuff, and looking back at great democratisation movements like Polish Solidarity, or considering the protests in Burma, it's hard to believe that real change can come to the kingdom. All the same, increasing numbers of Saudis believe change can no longer be avoided.

What's Britain's role here? It is not easy to avoid the conclusion that just as the UK is the main centre of jihadist activity in Western Europe, so the British authorities, even more than the American, have bent to Saudi economic and political influence.

The lively debate over Saudi Arabia that began in the US after 9/11 has largely been absent from Britain; and then there was the quashing last year of the Serious Fraud Office probe of corruption in arms deals with the kingdom, with £43 billion as an estimate of the monies involved.

Saudi Arabia is a land of beheadings. It is symbolised by the 'neck-cutter' or execution blade favoured by the late Ibn Saud, father of Abdullah. The curved, heavy sword is reproduced on the Saudi national flag and escutcheon. The country is infamous for atrocities against women, including female genital mutilation, another tribal habit absorbed into Saudi culture and treated as a sacred custom. Saudi Arabia continues its merciless persecution of non-Wahhabi Muslims as well as denial of the religious rights of non-Muslims. It practises lawlessness in the name of order, and it is the main global centre for export of radical Islamist ideology. Yet oil blackmail — obliviousness to which is aided and abetted by the foreign energy industry — leaves Westerners disoriented when the Saudi question is brought up.

The perverse relationship between the Saudi monarchy and the West is unique in history. No other tyranny has been granted such ample exemptions from modern canons of human rights, financial transparency, and simple respect for other states and peoples. Critics of Islam decry the past practice of Muslim rulers in exacting a tax, the jizya, from their non-Muslim subjects. But in the world today, it appears the Saudis are in the global saddle, with the rest of humanity serving as their horses and camels, and that the equivalent of the jizya tax levied at the petrol pump exceeds by far that paid under the Islamic empires.

Britain, no less than the US, has every right to press for more rapid reform in the kingdom, especially when its leaders meet with King Abdullah.
Making Saudi Arabia a country worthy of international respect does not require war, nor loss of resources, nor anything othe r than conscience on the part of Western — and Muslim — leaders.

Stephen Schwartz is executive director and Irfan Al-Alawi is international director of theCentre for Islamic Pluralism.

Nombre de messages : 1307
Réputation : 21
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

Message par Nicolas Ven 2 Nov 2007 - 6:05

Comment Rossevelt a donne la bombe a Staline:

As our time permits we'll be adding to the historical information surrounding the orchestration, implementation and tragic results of WWII. Most of all, our readers will discover major lies that have been told, which proves once again the victors of war write the history.

Comment les Etats-Unis ont installe Mao au pouvoir:


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Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Litvinenko Empty Re: Litvinenko

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